Preparing for High School Fall Sports

As summer comes to a close, young athletes should start thinking about preparing their bodies for the demands of the upcoming season. At Continuum Sports Rehab, we understand the importance of preparing for the fall sports season, which is why we've put together a sport-specific guide to help you prepare for your sport. In this guide, we'll provide you with helpful tips and exercises to ensure that you're in the best possible shape for the upcoming season.


  • Incorporate lateral movement and change of direction explosiveness with power and agility activities.

  • Add in single-leg exercises like multi-directional lunges and step-ups to improve your balance and stability on the field.

  • To improve your passing and shooting, practice kicking a ball against a wall or with a partner.

Field Hockey:

  • Focus on lower back strength and mobility, especially in a rotational plane to decrease risk of injury and improve stroke power.

  • Incorporate hip and glute exercises such as hip bridges and fire hydrants to improve your power and explosiveness on the field.

  • Practice stick-handling and shooting drills to improve your accuracy and technique.

Cross Country:

  • Add in plyometric exercises such as jump lunges and box jumps to improve your explosive power and speed.

  • Practice running uphill and downhill to simulate the course conditions you may encounter during a cross country race.

  • Incorporate hip mobility to prevent injury and improve performance.


  • Incorporate sprint drills such as shuttle runs and suicides to improve your acceleration and speed.

  • Focus on exercises that target your posterior chain, such as Romanian deadlifts and glute bridges, to improve your power and speed.

  • Include a variety of heavy lifting as well as lighter speed movements.


  • Practice jumps and tumbling drills to improve your technique and explosiveness.

  • Incorporate exercises that target your back and shoulders, such as pull-ups and rows, to improve your stunting and lifting abilities.

  • Focus on balance exercises such as single-leg squats and Bosu ball exercises to improve your stability and prevent injury.

Preparing for fall sports season requires a combination of physical training, mental preparation, and injury prevention. By incorporating the recommended exercises and stretches specific to your sport, you can improve your performance and reduce the risk of injury.

At Continuum Sports Rehab, we understand the unique demands of each sport and offer personalized treatment plans to help athletes achieve their goals. Our team of experienced professionals can help you with injury prevention, rehabilitation, and performance enhancement, ensuring that you are at your best when it counts.

By working with Continuum Sports Rehab, you can have confidence in your preparation for the fall season, knowing that you have the support and guidance you need to achieve and improve. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you excel in your sport.


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