Exercise is Medicine

Athlete lifting weight at sports rehab

💥Very often you will hear from therapists or healthcare professionals to rest in order to recover after a musculoskeletal injury. I am sure everyone has heard the old saying, “Well, if it hurts don’t move it.” Well, how is that suppose to help? ❓❓

✅ While it may be helpful to allow time for symptoms to calm down and subside, it shouldn’t be any longer than 24-72 hours. The reason is this; we shouldn’t be instilling fear or apprehension of movement to our patients. We should be encouraging movement and finding alternative ways for our patients to move and exercise that do not aggravate symptoms. Not moving and resting is simply putting a bandage on the injury and will likely lead to re injury. Exercise and movement within a range that does not aggravate symptoms or increase pain will help to target the root cause of the issue and lead to better success rates. Exercise is medicine. 💪

**This is not intended as medical or professional advice. This is for educational purposes only and are not intended to serve as medical or physical therapy advice to any individual. Consult a physical therapist for an individualized treatment plan.**


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