Continuum Sports Rehab & Performance

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Weak Hips?

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💥 Optimal hip strength sets the foundation for the lower extremities and helps keep the legs healthy and injury-free. Strength deficits in the hip musculature can have a cascading effect through the lower extremity, leading to compensatory movement patterns at the hip, knee, or ankle joints. For example, weakness of the hip muscles can often lead to hip adduction and internal rotation at the hip joint during dynamic movements, causing the knee to collapse inward and have a medial stress force. This can then cause the ankle to turn inward and over pronate putting unwanted stresses at the inside of the ankle joint. These compensatory movements can eventually cause injury at any of the above joints throughout the lower extremity. That is why it is important to always target hip strength in your exercise routines!

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**This video is not intended as medical or professional advice. This video is for educational purposes only and are not intended to serve as medical or physical therapy advice to any individual. Consult a physical therapist for an individualized treatment plan.**